Saturday, December 21, 2013

7 Questions Before Choosing Diaper Bag

 It is important to have a diaper bag that fits your needs and lifestyle. So how do you select the one that's right for you? There are several things you need to consider in selecting the right bag.

What Will You Do After Baby Comes?

Navigating your career after having a baby may be one of toughest problems you have to deal with .

Monday, December 16, 2013

Feeding First Year Baby Guide

It is very important to choose the appropriate foods for your baby during the first year of life. More growth occurs during the first year than at any other time in your child's life. Feeding your baby a variety of healthy foods at the proper time is essential . Good eating habits at this early stage will help your baby have healthy eating patterns for life.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

8 Ways to Make Your Baby Smarter

Inhaling or ingesting substances called neurotoxins, such as cigarette smoke, excessive alcohol, and illegal drugs, have all been shown to harm brain development and increase the risk of a child having learning and behavior problems later. Besides the “don’ts” of drugs, alcohol, and nicotine during pregnancy, there are some “do’s” that affect the developing fetal brain in a healthy way. A healthy diet is a must. While it takes very poor maternal nutrition to harm a baby’s developing brain, in general, the better you nourish your body, the better you nourish your baby’s growing brain.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Raising A Happy Baby : Some Helpful Advices

The moment we first see their adorable little heads, we want the best for our babies ; and that includes their happiness. And believe it or not, we can influence just how happy they are now and in the future. Here’s some helpful advice that you should follow :

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Healthy Food for New Moms

After giving birth , you might care about losing pregnancy pounds. But there’s something that's even more important for your body after your baby arrives -- foods that give you energy to be the best mom you can be.
Routinely eating nutrient-rich foods throughout the day will maximize the little energy you probably have as a new mom. If you’re nursing, the quality of your breast milk stays pretty much the same no matter what you choose to eat. But that's because when you aren't getting the needed nutrients from your diet, your body will provide them from your own stores. So making sure you’re getting all the nutrients you and your baby needs will benefit both of you.  Try to make these smart, nutrient-rich foods a regular part of your diet: Your body and your baby will thank you.